LOOKING FOR 4 GREEK youth workers in age 18 – 30 for Training Course “Prevention Violent Extremism Guide

TC DATES: 4 – 12 March 2020

VENUE: Zakopane, Poland


-Provide practical advice on when and how to discuss the issue of violent extremism and radicalization with learners,

-Help youth workers to create a “classroom climate” that is inclusive and conducive to respectful dialogue, open discussion and critical thinking.

The project is financially supported by KA1 of the European Commission Erasmus Plus Programme. Hence, all the costs related to the participants’ accommodation will be covered as well as the travel costs will be made according the km calculator (275 EUR for GREECE).

Participation fee: 30 EUR

Find the info pack about the project here: Infopack-4-12.03

In order to apply please send us e-mail with short motivation letter why do you want to participate in this project to SYSTEMANDG@GMAIL.COM