LOOKING FOR 3 GREEKS in age 18+ for Training Course “Bookmarks VS. Hate Speech”
YE DATES: 9-18 May, 2020
VENUE: Zakopane, Poland
We aim with this project to improve the level of key competences and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities, to face the phenomenon of hate speech, as well as to promote understanding of intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity, through learning mobility of multinational youth workers involved in this initiative.
The project is financially supported by KA1 of the European Commission Erasmus Plus Programme. Hence, all the costs related to the participants’ accommodation will be covered as well as the travel costs will be made according the km calculator (For Greece – 275 EUR).
More info about the project You can find here: INFOPACK FULL Zakopane
There is 30 EUR participation fee!
In order to apply please send us e-mail with short motivation letter why do you want to join this project to SYSTEMANDG@GMAIL.COM