LOOKING FOR 3 GREEK and 3 LATVIAN youth workers with no age limit for Training course “Sustainability in Action!”
TC DATES: 18-26 March 2020
VENUE: Elbeuf région, France
With the project “Sustainability in Action!” we wish to tackle both complex issues – global environmental challenges and sustainable development and young people’s lack of social involvement and participation, and to implement concrete actions that youth workers can do to motivate young people get actively involved on a local level by increasing their environmental citizenship. We aim at enhancing and developing youth worker’s competences to encourage, support and empower young people’s active involvement in solving environmental challenges and their active participation in a positive change towards a more sustainable society.
The project is financially supported by KA1 of the European Commission Erasmus Plus Programme. Hence, all the costs related to the participants’ accommodation will be covered as well as the travel costs will be made according the km calculator (360 EUR for GREECE and 360 EUR for LATVIA).
Participation fee: 30 EUR
Find the info pack about the project here: Call for participants – TC Sustainability in Action
In order to apply please send us e-mail with short motivation letter why do you want to participate in this project to SYSTEMANDG@GMAIL.COM