It’s never too late to embody your dreams, even if you’re 26 years old. And You already had nice work background.
I warn You! Here willn’t be a logical writing of the article) I just want to share with you my notes of yellow notebook.?
I will tell life-hacks of staying in Greece for 3 months. What You must to taste and shock.
Greece – isn’t only islands and the sea.
I’ll tell you what is Halar, Melamakaruno and Kali Su Mera.
And, why I couldn’t advise you to go to warm countries in the winter)?
Let’s start!

Hi, I’m Mila) and an Erasmus + volunteer at System & G. Here I am charge of promotion of the organization, its events, do language courses, the co-organizer of the “ABC” – Anti Book Club, and live in the north of Greece – Komotini this year.
S&G – it’s very friendly organization. Here you have to be proactive. Therefore, if you want change – remember, it all depends on you!
I do language courses 2 times a week with adults. Motivation of my students is to communicate with friends in their language. And on the weekend I’ll do a theatrical studio in a foreign language for children.
Anti Book Club – is a book club where you can read works by topic and only you can choose in what you are interested. And If You want You can present to others this novel or poetry and discuss it with us. So, we’ve already read lyrical poetry about the love of the world and not so famous poets. It was cool to hear poetry in the original language and in English.
We traditionally do Friday Night is an event aimed at attracting attention to the organization of local youth, through entertainment events.
Let’s return to the question: Why am I here and Why was I become a volunteer in Greece?
When I was 19 I wanted to get into such a program and made by myself a charity. I wanted to stay in this country, to live and to do smth good. To by honest , that time I wanted to go to Nepal and help to built a school and teach there children. It’s good that Nepal is so far away)
But I’ve helped somehow. Volunteering was always on the job. It’s like a gene in the blood, he’s either there, or no.
Don’t torment yourself, this isn’t true for everyone. The main thing that you can do is to be honest with yourself and ask yourself the right questions. I decided that 2018 was a year of change! During this year, I quit my job, which was for my inspiration, but after which I felt constant tiredness. And here you have to decide to endure, or find this balance and your Dzen.
Then it was summer and there were invitations to work and one more, but I chose a volunteering. Fortunately, I worked on other projects with super-puper girls from the Center of Euroinitiatives and therefore, I knew exactly where I should to go and whom to ask. I thought that I shocked them with this question. But when, Why not now?
They clearly explained everything to me. And I answered – ok) If I’ll be good candidate, then Why not?
Did I have reasons for hesitation ?- of course that were million! My relatives called me – grandmother – volunteer, but this sarcasm didn’t stop me. Have You ever cried in this 3 months? – Yes, it was one time. There were ghost feelings when I spoke with family. It were like I was cutting off the umbilical cord from my relatives and friends. It was – the most painful for me. But,Thanks God for all that smart applications that we have now! When I told to my friend about the options, that I chose volunteering. She replied that I chose the easiest option. But as for me – the hardest thing to stay with yourself and develop yourself and build everything from the beginning.
It is about living in a small town nearly 50 thousand, when only one of your sleeping areas is equal to it. Here maybe the almost everyone knows each other. But this has its own charm, people are more affable, a bunch of caverns, pubs, and taverns.

Sleep in socks under two blankets and wait for 10 more heating days. We don’t appreciate what we have. The banal thing is warm, but without it Greece isn’t so sunny) It turned out that there is no central heating in Greece. They fuel all: gasoline, firewood, electric, air conditioners. And this is the tip ok! But it’s the 21st Century, for a minute. But they don’t disappointed about this fact, sipping frappe and smiling to you. If, you think that you can lose weight here – the answer will be – no) All muffins here are very tasty.
Coffee has a charm definitely when you drink it in old buildings, with retro repairs and wooden windows.
I am a coffee-drinker, so I’ve tasted almost all of her species for two weeks. I am particularly pleased with NES – it’s a kind of instant coffee.
?Goals and plans:
1. Escape from yourself – it is impossible.
2. Helping, helping again helping.
3. New people, networking.
4. Meditation.
5. The experience of conducting festivals in Europe, for example, “Night of Museums”.
6. New skills.
7. Permanent challenge.
8. Starting a blog.
9. Learning of Greek.

?Must see:
1. Halkidiki is for cheeses;
2. Edessa is for waterfallsl;
3. Olympia – where the First Olympic Games were held;
4. Sparta is clear I think – “This is Sparta”.
5. Corfu
6. Santorini
7. Samothraki is for nature
8. Ionina
9. Epidavros is the old Greek theater.

?What to see?
Films with the famous Aliki Vougiouklaki.
Read the myths of ancient Greece and discover modern literature.
Eat – a lot!
Dacos is a salad of Crete, based on black bread.
Touloumbes, Musaka, Beans, Ouzo, Tsipuro, Melomakarono, Kurabies and Seafood and Hot Wine, tyro pita, Feta&watermelon, Buyurdy.

And the key thing was, whatI didn’t know, was that a lot of Russian-speaking population are here. Since 1992, Greece has received several thousand Greeks, of Pontiac origin, from the former Soviet Union.
And the last one is khalara. This is a philosophy of leisure life, where there can find time for coffee, for conversation and then return to business.
If you come to the meeting on time – you don’t respect your friend, because they are all too late. And it’s funny when the train is late, or bus on 2 hours.
They are friendly, sincere, cute, contact and most want to help you even with all this khalara. Smile, coffee, cigarette and glasses it means that you met a Greek.

What I can suggest to You in this chaos of my thoughts: to be sincere with yourself, to know all the disadvantages and to be ready for the the Augean stables, remember of the goals to be here and now, the goals can change, and then you will waiting for a metamorphosis. As for me, they are just starting out and are still waiting for a blog about Hrechka in Greece. I really went to Greece with this porridge, because I love her from my childhood.
P.S. Never too late! You and the world are worthy of change.
Sending organization – Center for Euroinitiatives.
Hosting organization – System & G – Greece / Latvia

#ErasmusPlus #CEI #volunteering