During 3-10 November 2019, the slovak NGO Youth for Equality organized an Erasmus+ training course called “Spread Ability”, which hosted 24 youth workers from 8 countries – Turkey, Greece, Spain, UK, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Slovakia. The main objective of the project was to transform the non-formal activities for individuals with different types of disabilities so they can participate in non-formal activities without barrier and difficulty and become more integrated into society. Slovak organization also invited as a good practice example the experienced EPIC NGO, which has been working with young people with disabilities for several years. Thanks to them, the participants learned a lot of new and interesting information. During intensive six-day training, where participants exchanged their experiences and improved their knowledge in the area, they also created new non-formal activities, which they also implemented directly in practice in education outside the school at Mokrohájska High School 1 in Bratislava on 7.11.2019. The workshop for the school pupils was extremely beneficial and successful not only for our project participants, but also for the school pupils themselves, who had the opportunity to practice English and learn through this experience. Thanks to experienced trainers from Slovakia (Martina Pitrovská) and Greece (Argyris Choulias), the participants of the project learned the basic rules of non-formal activities in working with young people with disabilities. The overall output of the project is Handbook for other youth workers / NGOs / volunteers who are interested in this topic and who will benefit from it.