Looking for 9 months ESC volunteer from Greece in Poland in age 18 – 30!

VENUE: Bialystok, Poland

DATES: October, 2019 – July, 2020

The project is financially supported by the European Commission Erasmus Plus Programme – European Solidarity Corps. Hence, all the costs related to the participants’ accommodation will be covered as well as the travel costs will be made according the km calculator.

For more information please send your CV and Motivation Letter why would you like to participate in this project!

E-mail: · wolontariat@mentoring.pl 

Deadline: 28.08.2019 

The main goal of the project is to support immigrants (from Chechnya, Dagestan, Ukraine, Belarus) in the integration in the Polish and European society. The volunteers are supposed to build a bridge between the hosting and incoming community. They will organise activities in the refugee centre – Zajazd ,,Budowlani” in Białystok, as well as in the temporary shelter for people endangered by homelessness (including refugees). Activitists will help at kindergarten in the refugee centre but also design their own activities for kids in the school age. At the same time, they will visit schools to conduct workshops about migration and their countries to widen up the horizons about cultural diversity. 

Volunteers will also attend several trainings to be able to spread the word about the refugees’ issues. 


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